Friday, November 20, 2020


we were learning about Maths

I found it hard to get the answer.

Next time I need to probably ask for help.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The story about Ahipara

We were learning about...

We created a slide about Ahipara to show what we have learned

I found it hard to get all the information

Next time I need to use it in my own words


Friday, November 6, 2020

Quick Write


Everyday in our class we spend 10mins creating a quick write.

I found it easy to create a piece of writing about 'The Queen of Winter'.

I really enjoyed creating a made up story, I like them a lot.

Next time I need to know what I want the teacher to choose my subject.

Friday, October 30, 2020

How Boyan slat change the world?

We created an Explanation to show what we have learned how to do an Explanation.

I found it easy to write about it.

I found it hard to i didn't found it hard to do anything.

I really enjoyed writeing about it.

Next time I need to foucause on my work.

Friday, September 11, 2020

show not tell

We were learning about...

I found it easy to write about it

I found it hard to make my font color the Perfect color so you can see it

I really enjoyed looking for backgrounds to put on

Next time I need to maybe put photos on

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Mapere planting trip

We were learning about

I found it easy to write about what we did on the Mapere planting trip

I found it hard to Look for a good photo to put on it

I really enjoyed putting in the Spinifexs

Next time I need to maybe write more.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020



Watch the clip Matariki then answer the following questions.

  1. When do the stars of Matariki disappear and reappear again? they disappear from the night sky in Aotearoa in late April the stars reappear when it is winter.
  2. What does it mean when the stars reappear? it means when they come back.
  3. Who are the seven sisters? they are stars.
  4. What are their names? Waita, wait waipuna-a-rangi,uru-a-rangi Matariki Tupu-a-rangi Tupu-a-nuku 
  5.  What do the old stories tell us? When the stars shine brightly the year will be warm and it will be good for growing crops
  6. How can we celebrate Matariki? There share stories, how to look after the land, how people used the stars in the past to get fish, to make things to, learn to weave and carve,

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Something Starting with 'C'

        Drink - Coke
        Colour - Coral
        Bird - Crow
        Famous Person - Cardi B
        Book - Cat in the hat
        Chocolate - Bar cookies n cream kit kat
        Occupation - Carpenter
        Car - Corolla
        Country - Canada
        Vegetable - Carro

  • The thing that I found most challenging was thinking about a colour that starts with c because I didn't know that there was a colour starting with c 
  • What I might do differently next time is write about something starting with a m b because then I can try to do everything like a drink that starts with a.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Moose the Labrador Retriever

Today I’m writing about an 8-year-old Labrador retriever dog called Moose.

Moose is a hard working dog that looks after people who are sick going through
cancer treatment. He has been a therapy dog at Virginia Tech's Cook Counselling centre
for the last 6 years. Moose is 64 years old in human years and they have just
found out he has prostate cancer.

I hope lots of people take care of Moose while he is unwell just like he has done for many others.
Take care Moose, I think you are really cool just like my dog Honey!!

What I enjoyed most was reading about Moose because he is such a loving dog.

The part I found most challenging was finding out that Moose has cancer because he is a dog that helps people who have cancer and now he has it.

What I might do differently next time is find out more information about Moose because he is a fantastic dog.

The starfish

What I enjoyed most was reading about facts about a starfish  because to see facts that i didn’t know about it.

The part I found most challenging was writing and puting in words because i didn’t know what to write in.

What I might do differently next time is not copy the words because i had to write it in my own words.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

An aliens comes to earth

An alien comes to earth and .. has a plan to catch people and turn them into trolls.
The alien travels to earth on a big rainbow, glitter colored space ship with flashing
lights all around it. As he gets closer to earth he can see a lot of people everywhere and decides to trick them by saying he has lots of treats for them to eat, so they get on the ship. Once they get in the ship he closes and locks the door and laughs at all the silly people he tricked. The alien waves a wand at the people and says ‘bippity boppity boom’ and all the people turn into trolls with pink and blue bodies and big green eyes!
He then decides he wants to keep the trolls as his friends on the ship and takes them back to his home on the moon.
What I enjoyed most was writing about the story because that was my favorite part.

The thing I found most challenging was thinking about what I should write about because there were lots of story starters that I could write like you get home from the zoo and you find a baby monkey in your bag.

What I might do differently next time is to write about something different next time because I want to

Monday, May 18, 2020

If i was a prime minister for 1 week

1.  That you can’t touch each other
2.  Cough in your elbow
3. Do not hongi
4.  Wear a mask

5. Wear gloves
6.  Keep two meters apart
7. Don't touch other people stuff
8. Stay local
9. Shop in your town
10. Be kind
Two smiling kids hugging at park Stock Photo: 67473474 - Alamy

Thursday, May 14, 2020


I would love to go to Hollywood in America because it is a famous place.
There are lots of famous people that I would love to meet like Cardi B and Doja Cat.
They are famous singers. I would like to go to an Ice Cream Parlour to see and
taste all the different kinds of Ice cream because that's my favorite food.
Other places I’d like to go would be the malls to look at all the new outfits
and to go to see the ‘Hollywood Sign’ on the hill.
I hope one day when I’m older I can go here to see all the bright lights
and celebrities, just like my picture below.

Monday, May 11, 2020

My at home Workout - Part 2

First, you need a skipping rope and you hold the rope behind you and both hands.
Then you get the rope and bring it over your head, and when it gets close to your
legs you jump! And then do that over and over again.
Skipping is good for working your whole body.

First, you need a hula hoop you put it over your head and hold it near your waist,
and then you twist it around in a circle but hold it on your hips. Make sure you hold
your hands up in the air while spinning it around your waist. It can be really hard
to learn at first but with lots of practice it gets easier and lots of fun.
Hula hooping is good for your waist.

My at home workout - Part One

First, you have your hands above your head and your feet spread apart,
then you jump in the air. The next thing you do is bring your arms and hands
down to your side of your body and your legs in together.
Star jumps are good for stretching your arms and legs, and you can
do them at the speed you want so fast or slow.
First, you go on the ground but your hands down on the ground and hold your body
off the ground in the air. Then you slowly bring your body down close to the ground
but not touch it, then push up using your arms.
Push-ups are good for your tummy and arms and then hurt if you do about five haha.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My Comfy Blanket

It smells fresh and clean
It tastes furry if you put it in your mouth
It sounds like nothing
It looks brown and warm

It feels soft and cuddly like a teddy bear

Sunday, May 3, 2020

A famous person i would love to meet

I would love to meet  James Charles he is a makeup artist on youtube he is very famous.
Questions that I would ask him would be

1.  How do you apply make up so nicely
2.  How to create a makeup tutorial?
3.  How did you become so popular on youtube?
4. How do you create a rainbow on someone's eyelid?
5. How long have you been doing make up for?
6. Who you do like to do makeup on ladies or men?
7. How old were you when you started doing makeup?
8. Where do you live?
9. Who is your best friend?
10. How many people are in your family?
11. What is your favourite movie?
12. What is your favourite food?
13. How did you do that makeup on charlie d'mello?
14. What is your favourite makeup brand to use?

15. Do you have any pets?

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Lockdown on the Farm

L Lots of eating
O Over listening to my mum
C Can’t wait to see my dad
K Keen to go back to school
D Dodging doing chores
O Oh no I can’t see family
W Walking the dogs in the paddock

N No more mc Donalds

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Anzac Day 25th April 2020

On Anzac Day we made poppies with my nana.
Our first step was to cut the stem off the flower, the second step was to dip the flower into red food colouring.

Then the third step was to get a black marker and fill in the middle so it looked more like a poppy. 

After that we had to wait a little bit for our poppies to dry so we wouldn’t get food colouring all over our hands.

Once they were dry, my sisters, my mum, my nana and I took the poppies down to the cemetery to put on her dad, her brother and sisters graves.

My nana’s dad was a soldier in the 28th Maori Battalion of World War 2. He had four brothers who went to war with him to help fight and keep New Zealand safe.

My aunty Jess was on channel 1 news on Anzac Day standing with her work friends in front of the panther truck at the Auckland Airport.

Why is Anzac Day important for you? It’s important to me because all of the soldiers died to protect New Zealand and Australia so me and future generations have a better and safe life.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Dotterel Education trip

Dotterel  Education  Trip
What did you enjoy?
What I enjoyed most was going in the water and seeing the eggs
because it was fun splashing, doing handstands and seeing rear dotterel eggs.

What did you find challenging
The thing I found most challenging was making animals in the sand, me, Azanjah and Taina were making a Jellyfish sea creature in the sand.  We put water in but it didn't stay in but it didn’t stay there for long as the sand swallowed it.  It looked like the ocean, we were trying to find the sticks because they were hiding everywhere.

What might you do differently next time
What I might do differently next time is to bring hot dogs and fish and chips because I was super hungry.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your whānau and friends anywhere.

Ping Zero!

Today the Ping Zero trailer visited our school. We had a lot of games we could play like. Minecraft Astro bot Mario cart racer just dance an...