Thursday, April 30, 2020

Lockdown on the Farm

L Lots of eating
O Over listening to my mum
C Can’t wait to see my dad
K Keen to go back to school
D Dodging doing chores
O Oh no I can’t see family
W Walking the dogs in the paddock

N No more mc Donalds

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Anzac Day 25th April 2020

On Anzac Day we made poppies with my nana.
Our first step was to cut the stem off the flower, the second step was to dip the flower into red food colouring.

Then the third step was to get a black marker and fill in the middle so it looked more like a poppy. 

After that we had to wait a little bit for our poppies to dry so we wouldn’t get food colouring all over our hands.

Once they were dry, my sisters, my mum, my nana and I took the poppies down to the cemetery to put on her dad, her brother and sisters graves.

My nana’s dad was a soldier in the 28th Maori Battalion of World War 2. He had four brothers who went to war with him to help fight and keep New Zealand safe.

My aunty Jess was on channel 1 news on Anzac Day standing with her work friends in front of the panther truck at the Auckland Airport.

Why is Anzac Day important for you? It’s important to me because all of the soldiers died to protect New Zealand and Australia so me and future generations have a better and safe life.

Ping Zero!

Today the Ping Zero trailer visited our school. We had a lot of games we could play like. Minecraft Astro bot Mario cart racer just dance an...